How It Happened Back in 2002 after a few of our own car stereo installs on bikes went bad, it was obvious that even the best car amplifiers available were simply not built to survive the harsh conditions of a daily-ridden motorcycle. Capacitors breaking loose inside the enclosures, overheating, premature stator failure and dead batteries; take your pick, it just wasn't working out. Considering the small battery, low-output stator, minimal mounting space, moisture and road dirt, major shock and vibration issues, not to mention the amount of road noise to overcome, there wasn't a small, efficient, rugged, high performance solution to be found. We put our heads together and set out to bridge the gap between what's possible with today's advanced electronics and the motorcycle as a platform for hi-fi audio. And we're pretty sure we nailed it, too.
Using The Right Stuff We take our trades seriously, and like any good mechanic we only use the best tools (thanks to Otis). From electrical and mechanical design to software, graphics, even this web site, we wouldn't get far without good tools. We capture our schematics using Cadence OrCad®, and layout our circuit boards using Mentor Graphics Pads® exclusively. We design our mechanical parts using SolidWorks™ and our diagrams using AutoCAD®, and create our own graphics and artwork using Corel® software and a digital camera. Our web server runs on CentOS Linux™ and Apache™, and this site is powered by open source PHP and osCommerce. We do it all in-house and take a lot of pride doing so. We also spend a lot of time designing, building, testing, and pounding our products into the ground. And if we've learned anything about manufacturing over the years, it's that a product is only as good as the sum of it's parts. Some of the component manufacturers we trust and incorporate into our amplifier designs are TE Connectivity™, Molex®, STMicroelectronics™, Microchip™, and Fairchild Semiconductor®.
Welcome To The Fold We firmly believe in family values, and carry out day-to-day operations accordingly; in fact, we're each other's brothers, fathers and sons. Everyone here at Hawg Wired is treated equally and constantly involved in all aspects of our design process and business matters, resulting in a tight knit team that functions like a single, well oiled machine. And when you have that kind of workplace environment, you have yourself the makings of the best a business has to offer its customers.
Our Background Our family has been designing and drafting hardware and software systems for a living since the 1970's (well, one of us is that old anyway). From light tables and monochrome monitors to today's internet and iPhone apps, we've been carving our own path successfully through the Silicon Valley against all odds. And we've been obsessed with hi-fi audio for just as long. Audiophiles or engineers, computer nerds or music lovers, it comes down to the same; it's our way of life. Looking back now, it seems inevitable that we should put the two together as a family business, and that's just what we did: Hawg Wired is a combination of all our years of experience.